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NEW DEALERS - Request for Information or Assistance?

THANK YOU for your interest in all-natural Montana Pitch-Blend leather treatment products!  Our authorized dealers are highly valued and our consumers are always seeking the most convenient locations where they can find our products.

We invite you to contact us and let us be of assistance. To simplify our ability to help you quickly and conveniently, please use the form below.  We strive to reply to all requests within 48 hours.  If you need immediate assistance, please call/fax us at (800) 728-0970.

If you would like information or assistance, please complete the following questions:

* denotes required field

Dealer Name (Store or Business Name)*
Contact Name (Your Name or Buyer's Name)*
Your Phone Number*
Mailing Address (for reply, if applicable)
100 characters remaining
Email Address (for reply)
Dealer Web Site (your business URL, if applicable)
What leather goods do you sell primarily?
150 characters remaining
What can we do for you? How can we be of assistance today? (check all that apply)*
Your Comments/Questions?
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